I'm one step closer today, thanks to Alex Lyman (whose blog is still under construction - I'll update later with a link) who answered my StackOverflow.com question with his X86Writer library.
Now I can write code like this:
1 byte[] bytes;
3 using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
4 X86Writer writer = new X86Writer(ms, new IntPtr(0x00400a00));
6 var start = writer.CreateLabel();
7 var func = writer.CreateLabel(new IntPtr(0x01000000));
9 start.Mark(); // start:
11 writer.Inc32(X86Register32.EAX); // inc eax
12 writer.Cmp32(X86Register32.EAX, 5); // cmp eax 05
13 writer.Jmp(X86ConditionCode.NotEqual, start); // jne start
14 writer.Call(func); // call 01000000
16 bytes = ms.ToArray();
17 }
Really great stuff! I'd still like to be able to pass in a string, though - but this gives me a great platform on which to build!
Notice the support for labels - this really is the start of a powerful library, I think. Oh - and he open-sourced it under the New BSD License - which means everyone's free to contribute. If you have anything you want to add, please send me a patch!