Thursday, August 20, 2009

Inline execution of a lambda expression or anonymous delegate

I had an idea I wanted to try to exploit that would make my VB.NET expression a bit more, well, expressive.

The way I built my expression builder, essentially you pass in a valid VB.NET expression and the expression builder sticks it onto the end of a Return statement inside a static method of a new class, which it then compiles with the stock VB.NET code compiler. Then I use reflection to dig out the compiled method and returns a Func<bool> that invokes the method, returning the result.

This works great for its intended purpose, but it unfortunately restricts my expressions to being, well, expressions. Boolean expressions. Which means they can't do a whole lot of processing, or whatever. That's okay - I don't really *need* all that much. But I enjoy a challenge, and I thought to myself 'Self, why don't we try to use an inline lambda!'

Great idea - except you can't INVOKE a lambda inline. Example:

bool x = ( () => true ).Invoke();

Doesn't work. Operator '.' cannot be applied to operand of type 'lambda expression'. 'Fine,' says I, 'I'll use an anonymous delegate!'

bool x = ( delegate { return true; } ).Invoke();

Operator '.' cannot be applied to operand of type 'anonymous delegate'. Argh. So as far as i'm aware, this is impossible, probably by design. I'll have to ask Eric Lippert about it, since he's been doing his C# design rationale posts lately.

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